class is interrupted by “Robbie the Automaton,” a robot created by the
Knowledgeum, a new museum that offers a hands-on approach to learning
about science. The family go there the following Saturday, where Bart
wanders off and walks into an exhibit of the planet Mars.
He meets Ralph, who is in the process of being pushed into a giant ear
by Kearney, Jimbo, Nelson and Dolph. When Ralph is freed by a center
employee, Marge and Chief Wiggum are there to meet him. Marge observes
that Ralph has a vivid imagination and learns that he has no friends to play
with; she arranges a play-date for Ralph to spend time with a horrified
Bart. During the play-date, Ralph shows Bart his swing set, his
sandbox, and a rock where he met a leprechaun, who tells him to burn
things.Bart, who does not want to be seen in public with Ralph, has a
scare when the two encounter Nelson's gang of bullies riding a stolen
vehicle with a video (Bart covers this up by hastily convincing Ralph to
hide in a prickly bush), but later exploits it when he discovers
Ralph's father has a police master key capable of opening any door in
Springfield. Bart and Ralph thus steal the key and decide to enter
several closed stores at night, such as a toy store and a bakery, having
fun doing whatever the two can imagine. After encountering Nelson and
his gang, the boys go to an unused penitentiary. When Ralph objects
because he is afraid, the bullies throw him and Bart into a muddy puddle
and leave to pick huckleberries — but not before tossing the key into
the penitentiary. Ralph and Bart enter the prison to retrieve the key,
and in the process stumble onto a room housing an old electric chair.
Eager with curiosity to test it they melt the couple from atop a wedding cake they had gorged themselves on earlier that night. The two flee when an elderly guard approaches, but accidentally leave the electric chair armed.
Screenshoots :
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