of Destiny continues the trademark Linear Motion Battle System (LMBS)
of the Tales series, with the E-LMBS (Enhanced Linear Motion Battle
System), there are some graphical enhancements to the system as it was
first implemented in Tales of Phantasia. Nevertheless, the combat is
still very similar to the first game in the series, taking place on a
2-D plane where characters and enemies act in real time. Typical RPG
onventions of HP, TP, experience, and leveling apply. Melee and ranged
attacks are executed in real time, with spell casting requiring a
chanting time that increases directly with the complexity of the spell
being cast. When the chanting of a spell is complete, game-time
temporarily stops as the spell animation is carried out and damage is
assigned, so spells essentially act as interrupts. Special melee and
ranged attacks do more damage or have more hits than normal attacks, but
require technical points, or TP, to be consumed for use. Also, the
battle system rewards the player with extra experience for stringing
together multi-hit combos. The end result of this break from traditional
turn-based RPG battle systems is a more fast-paced and reaction
oriented system that behaves more like a fighting game and less like a
typical Final Fantasy-esque title.Pre-battle options include assigning
spells and special attacks to buttons and button-directional
combinations, changing the party's battle formation or order, and
assigning AI behavioral patterns for your computer-controlled allies.
Certain spells can also be taken off the active casting list for
computer-controlled allies. At any one time, the AI is controlling the
other characters in the party that the player is not directly
commanding, taking general strategic orders into consideration when
acting. The player controls one character directly at a time, but can
switch to other characters and issue special attack or spell orders for
any character on command using an in-battle menu system. This menu
system enables the player to use items, spells, or special attacks on
the fly in battle. Also, the menu system allows the use of general
commands given to the entire party during battle, along with instant
adjustment of previous strategy or formation orders. All of these
control options were innovative at the time, even when considering that
Tales of Phantasia was released in 1995 with nearly identical tactical
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